Arachnologische Mitteilungen 58

Fossil laniatorid harvestmen 11 with additional side branches (see also Discussion), whereas the amber specimen bears simpler claws without side bran- ches (Ubick & Dunlop 2005). Proholoscotolemon sp. (Fig. 2a-d) Material. CJW BB F2545 from Baltic amber (Eocene: Lu- tetian). Description. Body slightly ‘8’-shaped and smooth, length 0.49, prosoma width 0.47, opisthosoma width 0.35. Separati- on between prosoma and opisthosoma indistinct. Ocularium slightly elevated, located near anterior border, eyes placed la- terally on ocularium (length 0.053, width 0.12). Chelicerae slender, without spines; proximal segment length 0.15, pro- jecting forward, hand length 0.20 with short fixed and mo- vable fingers, lengths of fingers 0.10. Pedipalps raptorial, with several long spines plus few smaller setae.Trochanter smooth; femur with single mesal spine; patella with single mesal spine; tibia with single mesal spine and tarsus with three pairs of la- teral spines (from base to apex: one long, two short). Pedipalp claw shorter than tarsus and curved. Pedipalp article lengths: trochanter 0.10, femur 0.19, patella 0.06, tibia 0.13, tarsus 0.25, claw 0.10; total (trochanter–tarsus) 0.73. Legs elongate (leg II longest); setose and spiny with me- tatarsi bearing pair of spines distally (Fig. 2a). Tarsi not sub- divided into tarsomeres; one claw on tarsi I–II, two claws with single insertion on tarsi III–IV. Leg length: Leg I trochanter 0.09, femur 0.30, patella 0.10, tibia 0.24, metatarsus 0.26*, tarsus 0.35*; total (trochanter–tarsus) 1.34. Leg II trochan- ter 0.12, femur 0.53, patella 0.17, tibia 0.47, metatarsus 0.46, tarsus 0.70; total (trochanter–tarsus) 2.45. Leg III trochan- ter 0.12, femur 0.30, patella 0.16, tibia 0.26, metatarsus 0.32, tarsus 0.33; total (trochanter–tarsus) 1.49. Leg IV trochanter 0.12, femur 0.47, patella 0.17, tibia 0.35, metatarsus 0.53, tar- sus 0.40; total (trochanter–tarsus) 2.04. Ventral region equi- vocal, partially obscured by detritus. Remarks. With a body length of less than half a millimetre, CJW BB F2545 is noticeably smaller than the previously de- scribed Baltic amber laniatorids with body lengths of ca. 2–3 mm (Ubick & Dunlop 2005, see also above) and is evidently a juvenile due to the absence of any subdivision of the leg tarsi into tarsomeres. The position of the ocularium, the already large pedipalps bearing spines and the form of the chelicerae are consistent with it being a cladonychiid, and we strongly suspect that it could be a juvenile instar of Proholoscotolemon nemastomoides . Since we lack a full ontogenetic sequence for this species, and cannot rule out the possibility that more than one species of laniatorid was present in the Baltic amber fo- rest, we place this second fossil as cf. Proholoscotolemon sp. Fig. 2: cf. Proholoscotolemon sp. (CJW BB F2545): a. dorsal view; b. camera lucida drawing; c. close-up of the chelicerae and pedipalps in ventral view; d. camera lucida drawing of the chelicerae and pedipalps. Abbreviations: ch – chelicerae, cl – claw, mt – metatarsus, oc – ocularium, pp – pedipalp, ta – tarsus. Legs numbered from I–IV. Scale bars 0.5 mm