Arachnologische Mitteilungen 58
Charinus ioanniticus from continental Europe 15 Legakis A&Maragkou P 2009 Το Κόκκινο Βιβλίο τωνΑπειλούμενων Ζώων της Ελλάδας [The red book of endangered animals of Gree- ce]. Hellenic Zoological Society, Athens. 528 pp. Miranda GS & Zamani A 2018 Filling the gap of whip spider distri- bution in Asia: Phrynichus persicus sp.n. (Arachnida, Amblypygi), a new Phrynichidae from Iran. – Zootaxa 4413: 339-350 – doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.4413.2.6 Miranda GS, Aharon S, Gavish-Regev E, Giupponi APL &Wizen G 2016 A new species of Charinus Simon, 1892 (Arachnida: Am- blypygi: Charinidae) from Israel and new records of C. ioanniticus (Kritscher,1959).– European Journal ofTaxonomy 234: 1-17 – doi: 10.5852/ejt.2016.234 Weygoldt P 2000Whip spiders (Chelicerata: Amblypygi).Their biolo- gy,morphology and systematics.Apollo Books, Stenstrup. 164 pp. Weygoldt P 2007 Parthenogenesis and reproduction in Charinus io- anniticus (Kritscher, 1959) (Chelicerata, Amblypygi, Charinidae). – Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 14: 81-82 – doi: 10.13156/arac.2007.14.2.81 Fig. 2: Known records of Charinus ioanniticus (black dots, after Blick & Seiter 2016, Miranda et al. 2016 and El-Hennawy 2019) and the new one from con- tinental Greece (yellow arrow)
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