Arachnologische Mitteilungen 58
22 F. Šťáhlavský & P. Dolejš features typical to N. jugorum (e.g. Beier 1963). The fauna of the family Neobisiidae is still not well known from the Car pathian region and preliminary cytogenetic results indicate existence of additional taxa in this region (e.g. Šťáhlavský et al. 2012). The pronounced difference in the epistomes be tween males and females is not mentioned in this species and we cannot exclude the possibility that Miller’s material repre sents in fact a new species with distinct sexual dimorphism. Miller collected several pseudoscorpion species a long time before the final published records for the Czech or Slo vak Republics. For example, his collection of Atemnus politus (Atemnidae) in 1956, close to Štúrovo, predates that of the female collected in 1974 in the same area that served to es tablish the presence of this species in Slovakia (Krumpálová & Krumpál 1993).Miller’s specimens of Rhacochelifer euboicus (Cheliferidae) were also the first to be collected in Slovakia and his abundant material enabled the description of the va riability of morphological characteristics (Krajčovičová et al. 2017) from populations situated at the northern limit of its distribution (Hernández-Corral et al. 2018). Among the rare species (in the Czech Republic and Slovakia) in the Miller’s collection belongs also Mesochelifer ressli , a species usually found under the bark of the trees (e.g. Šťáhlavský & Chytil 2013). It is evident that Miller’s collection includes valuable material and provides important historical records for pseu doscorpions in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Acknowledgements We thank Martin Šafra (preparator) and Kateřina Nováková (vol unteer) for sorting the pseudoscorpions from the mixed samples.We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers who improved the earlier version of the manuscript.This work was financially supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (DKRVO 2018/14 and 2019–2023/6.I.a, National Museum, 00023272). References Beier M 1928 Die Pseudoskorpione des Wiener Naturhistorischen Museums. I. Hemictenodactyli. – Annalen de Naturhistorischen Museum in Wien 42: 285-314 Beier M 1963 Ordnung Pseudoscorpionidea (Afterskorpione). Be stimmungsbücher zur Bodenfauna Europas 1. 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