Arachnologische Mitteilungen 58

Infraspecific spider taxa of Embrik Strand 35 does not justify the nomination of a subspecies and as we could not detect the type material in Berlin or in any of the above listed museums, we consider it as a new synonym of the nominate form, which is distributed from Indonesia to Australia. Cyrtophora citricola abessinensis Strand, 1906 = syn. nov. of the nominate form of Cyrtophora citricola (Forsskål, 1775) Strand (1906b: 618) described this variety (listed by Bonnet (1956: 1360) as a synonym of the nominate form and with subspecies rank in the World Spider Catalog 2019) from one female collected in Ethiopia according to differences in col- our pattern and size. Cyrtophora citricola is a widely distribut­ ed Old World species with considerable variation across its distribution range. Therefore, this subspecies is treated as a new synonym of the nominate form.The type material should be in Stuttgart, but since the museum Stuttgart has been de- stroyed completely (Renner 1988), we have to assume that this material is lost. Also, we could not detect type material in the collections of the other contacted museums. Cyrtophora moluccensis albidinota Strand, 1911 = syn. nov. of the nominate form of Cyrtophora moluccensis (Doleschall, 1857) Cyrtophora moluccensis bukae Strand, 1911 = syn. nov. of the nominate form of Cyrtophora moluccensis (Doleschall, 1857) Cyrtophora moluccensis rubicundinota Strand, 1911 = syn. nov. of the nominate form of Cyrtophora moluccensis Doleschall, 1857) Strand (1911a: 203, 1915b: 217) described three varie- ties (listed as synonyms of the nominate form by Bonnet (1956: 1360) and with subspecies rank in the World Spider Catalog 2019) of the highly variable C. moluccensis (Tan- ikawa et al. 2010) according to differences in colour pattern from New Guinea and adjacent islands. Strand mentioned that the epigyne fits the nominate species very well and that this species is known to be highly variable. This can be confirmed after checking the types of albidinota (SMF 2373 syntypes: 1 female, 2 subadult females; 3287 syntype: 1 subadult female) and specimens (SMF 3270: 1 female, 1 subadult female) of bukae as well as paratypes (SMF 3301: 5 females, 1 subadult female) and specimens (SMF 3305 1 female, SMF 3306 3 females & 1 subadult female, SMF 3310 3 females) of rubicundinota (all PJ vid.). In conclusion, these subspecies are here proposed as new synonyms of the nominate form. Cyrtophora viridipes scalaris Strand, 1915 = syn. nov. of the nominate form of Cyrtophora cylindroides (Walckenaer, 1841) Strand (1915b: 220) described this variety from the island of New Britain in Papua New Guinea (synonymized by Bonnet (1956: 1361) with Cyrtophora cylindroides (Walckenaer, 1841) and with subspecies rank in the World Spider Catalog 2019) from a subadult female (SMF 3676, PJ vid.). The holotype shows the typical pattern of black marks on the posterior part of the opisthosoma and of black bumps in the anterior part. The bright longitudinal stripe on the sternum has al- ready been mentioned by Walckenaer (1841) in his original description.Therefore, we treat this subspecies as a new syno- nym of the nominate form of Cyrthophora cylindroides (Wal- ckenaer, 1841) (synonymization of C . viridipes Doleschall, 1859 with C . cylindroides by Pocock 1898). This is confirmed by a label, added to the vial by D.T. Corey 1991, stating “rev.: Cyrtophora cylindroides scalaris Strand” and thus confirming the synonymy published by Pocock (1898: 462). Gasteracantha analispina Strand, 1911 = subspecies inquirenda (as Gasteracantha taeniata analispina ) Gasteracantha analispina anirensis Strand, 1911 = subspecies inquirenda (as Gasteracantha taeniata anirensis ) Originally described as a species ( analispina ) and its variety from New Guinea (Strand 1911a: 205–206, 1915b: 232–233), Fig. 4 : Neoscona theisi (Walckenaer, 1841); a , b. epigyne of the type N. t. fei- siana (SMF 3435), drawings by P. Jäger; a. ventral, b. dorsal; c. drawing from Chry- santhus (1960: Fig. 73); d , e , f. drawing from Chrysanthus (1971: Figs 59-61)