Arachnologische Mitteilungen 58

42 W. Nentwig, T. Blick, D. Gloor, P. Jäger & C. Kropf ticed that the species name was preoccupied by O. variabilis L. Koch, 1878 from Australia and provided a nom. nov. O. embriki Roewer, 1951. Later, Roewer (1955a: 322) listed both varieties as subspecies of O. embriki . Bonnet (1958: 3244) list- ed both subspecies as synonyms of O. variabilis. The World Spider Catalog (2019) followed Roewer and mentioned also that both subspecies names would have priority over Roewer’s replacement name. However, the nominate form and both varieties had never been illustrated and the type material is destroyed (Renner 1988). Therefore, we declare them all as nomina dubia. Salticidae Myrmarachne maxillosa septemdentata Strand, 1907 = Toxeus septemdentatus (Strand, 1907) stat. nov. et comb. nov. This subspecies was described by Strand (1907b: 568, 1909a: 99) as var. “ 7-dentata ” from China based on some specimens that differed from the nominate form. He concluded that “die Abweichungen von der auf Selebes vorkommenden Haup- tform sind so bedeutend, dass sie zu einem besonderen Va- rietätsnamen berechtigen” [the differences to the nominate form in Indonesia are so important that an own variety name is justified]. The type material is destroyed (Renner 1988). Without argumentation, Fox (1937: 16) elevated the subspe- cies to species rank ( Myrmarachne 7-dentata Strand, 1907) and Bonnet (1957: 3013) and Feng (1990: 210) followed Fox’s opinion. Feng also figured both sexes and described the female for the first time. Proszynski (2016a) commented in his internet database “there is no reason to consider this form a subspecies of M. maxillosa ”. Proszynski (2016b: 17) trans- ferred M. maxillosa (C. L. Koch, 1846) (and other species) to Toxeus , without mentioning M. septemdentata . As septemden- tata was still listed as a subspecies of maxillosa in the World Spider Catalog (2019), it was transferred there to Toxeus sub- sequently. So we propose to follow the arachnologists since Fox and accept Toxeus septemdentatus (Strand, 1907) as a valid species (new rank) (Fig. 8). Currently, Toxeus maxillosus C. L. Koch, 1846 is known only from SE Asia excluding China and T. septemdentatus is endemic to China. Phlegra bresnieri meridionalis Strand, 1906 = syn. nov. of the nominate form of Phlegra bresnieri (Lucas, 1846) Described from a single female from Ethiopia as a new sub- species, Strand (1906b: 664) listed slightly different colour pattern and larger epigynal pits as in the nominate form of this widely spread species. For Bonnet (1958: 3592) this was just a synonym of the nominate form but the World Spider Catalog (2019) lists it as a subspecies. Strand states that all other characters are identical to the nominate species, so we treat this as a new synonym of the nominate form. The type material is destroyed (Renner 1988). Spilargis ignicolor bimaculata Strand, 1909 = syn. nov. of the nominate form of Spilargis ignicolor Simon, 1902 A badly preserved specimen from the Moluccas (Indonesia), obviously collected during moulting and with an incomplete- ly moulted opisthosoma, has nevertheless been described as deviating colour morph and new variety (Strand 1909a: 122) because the opisthosoma showed two black spots. The type material was stored in the museum Stuttgart and we know that it had been completely destroyed during the Second World War (Renner 1988). So we have to assume that also this material is lost, especially, since we could not detect it in any of the other museums. Bonnet (1958: 4120) regarded it as a synonym of the nominate form and it is listed as a subspe- cies in the World Spider Catalog (2019). We propose it as a new synonym of the nominate form. Scytodidae Scytodes quattuordecemmaculatus clarior Strand, 1907 = syn. nov. of the nominate form of Scytodes quattuordecemmaculata Strand, 1907 The description of this new variety is treated by Bonnet (1958: 3979) as a synonym of the nominate form) and list- Fig. 8: Toxeus septemdentatus (Strand, 1907) (stat. nov. et comb. nov.) (first line) (illustrations after Feng 1990: Fig. 185) and Toxeus maxillosus C.L. Koch, 1846 (second line) (illustrations from Yamasaki & Ahmad 2013: Figs 30, 31). a. male pedipalp, ventral view; b. male pedipalp, lateral view; c. male chelicera; d. epigyne, ventral view; e. vulva, ventral view