Arachnologische Mitteilungen 58
Spinnen der Trockenrasen in und um Berlin 61 Anhang 1: Koordinaten und Vegetation der in Abb. 1 dargestellten Untersuchungsflächen Appendix 1: Coordinates and vegetation of the study sites displayed in Fig. 1 Nr. Länge [°Ost] Breite [°Nord] Höhe NN [m] Vegetation Bedeckung gesamt [%] Bedeckung Krautschicht [%] Höhe [cm] 1 13,64608 52,45572 38 98 50 15 2 13,30888 52,40597 47 99 70 20 3 13,40603 52,47541 49 99 95 10 4 13,51432 52,44011 34 90 65 15 5 13,44811 52,61662 51 96 60 20 6 13,24265 52,48820 31 95 45 10 7 13,54843 52,48448 39 70 40 15 8 13,65850 52,45443 39 100 70 40 9 13,56144 52,42789 35 99 75 20 10 13,37353 52,51451 34 98 60 3 11 13,35908 52,46165 46 99 50 15 12 13,52209 52,46880 35 65 60 20 13 13,28078 52,50321 49 98 70 10 14 13,22902 52,50694 65 80 65 15 15 13,12965 52,47737 44 85 50 20 16 13,47589 52,45935 34 40 40 15 17 13,37276 52,48854 38 75 40 20 18 13,38538 52,53438 38 75 55 10 19 13,48428 52,63044 54 95 50 30 20 13,35797 52,45722 42 98 60 10 21 13,37576 52,51426 34 93 90 3 22 13,37698 52,53825 37 100 70 15 23 13,25248 52,50828 56 60 55 15 24 13,34650 52,56343 39 98 80 20 25 13,55584 52,43955 38 90 70 15 26 13,45144 52,43653 39 98 98 25 27 13,49902 52,43429 38 85 60 20 28 13,35497 52,47755 34 97 50 25 29 13,58918 52,47647 37 90 40 10 30 13,57169 52,50037 39 99 80 20 31 13,20594 52,44694 46 95 75 10 32 13,20171 52,58678 35 90 60 15 33 13,61755 52,42034 39 70 40 15 34 13,64302 52,45719 38 96 35 10 35 13,09988 52,41562 41 96 70 12 36 13,58431 52,47911 37 97 80 15 37 13,24726 52,58265 34 85 60 25 38 13,20750 52,58202 34 60 40 10 39 13,15125 52,45452 35 85 55 20 40 13,14572 52,58331 32 98 80 10 41 13,63198 52,46215 38 85 60 30 42 13,49160 52,58245 56 70 50 10 43 13,61681 52,43841 35 60 40 10 44 13,15649 52,57805 33 95 40 10 45 13,19511 52,47137 31 96 80 20 46 13,18328 52,41555 48 100 40 15 47 13,30965 52,64434 49 85 40 20 48 13,66073 52,31619 54 95 60 20 49 13,00041 52,52896 54 90 45 20 50 13,17791 52,36926 37 60 50 20 51 13,38178 52,33962 41 95 50 15 52 13,38759 52,33882 42 100 75 30
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