• Society

    History and organisation of the Arachnological Society


  • Arachnology Letters

    A peer-reviewed, rapidly produced open-access and online journal, focusing on faunistics, ecology and taxonomy of Arachnida (excl. Acari) in Central Europe. Published two times each year by the society

  • Atlas of Arachnids of Europe

    The Atlas presents regularly updated maps of expert proven records of 1200 arachnid species in Central Europe, together with the data sources

  • Konrad Thaler Commemoration Award

    The award honors the deceased scientist and committed teacher Konrad Thaler. Since 2007 every third year the price is awarded to young scientists during the meeting of the AraGes

  • European Spider of the Year 2023

    The Nurse’s thorn finger Cheiracanthium punctorium (Villers, 1789)

  • Service

    Information on several topics like Identification, Red List or Records and many links to other nodes in the arachnological web

  • Knowledge

    Facts and information on spiders and other arachnids of Europe for laymen and arachnophile citizens

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The Arachnologische Gesellschaft (AraGes) aims at increasing and distributing the knowledge about arachnids. Focussing on the arachnid fauna of Central Europe, it also supports arachnological research in this region. Its foremost activities are: the publication of the scientific journal Arachnologische Mitteilungen / Arachnology Letters, the organization of meetings, the networking and exchange of information. The AraGes is a scientific institution incorporating a bridging function between interested amateurs, state authorities and academic research.


The ARAMOB data repository, outcome of a DFG-funded project and integrated in the activities of NFDI4Biodiversity, is a new service of the…

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Theses are to be submitted in PDF format until the 1.9.2024 latest

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The Spider of the Year is chosen by 83 arachnologists from 26 European countries in the late summer of the preceding year. For 2025 the Snake-back Spider, Segestria senoculata was elected.  
