Arachnologische Mitteilungen


Bericht über das 18. Europäische Arachnologentreffen

Bericht über das 18. Europäische Arachnologentreffen


congress report

19th European Colloquium of Arachnology

19th European Colloquium of Arachnology


congress invitation

In eigener Sache. Buchbesprechungen: Adressänderung

In eigener Sache. Buchbesprechungen: Adressänderung


editorial: book reviews, address changes

Sparassidae – the valid scientific name for the huntsman spiders (Arachnida: Araneae)

Sparassidae – der gültige wissenschaftliche Name für die Riesenkrabbenspinnen (Arachnida: Araneae)


The family name Sparassidae is recognized as available and valid according to the rules of the International Code for Zoological Nomenclature. Synonymies, diagnoses and descriptions are given for the family, subfamily, type genus and type species. The type species of Sparassus is assigned. Sparassus is synonymised with Micrommata.

Dürers Nashorn und die Nahrung von Eresus cinnberinus (Olivier) (Araneae: Eresidae)

Dürer's rhinoceros and the prey of Eresus cinnaberinus (Olivier) (Araneae:Eresidae)


The first rhinoceros of the post-roman era reached Europe in 1513. Albrecht Dürer, who had not seen the animal himself, made a woodcut that contained several odd features. This woodcut determined the appearance of rhinocerus for the next two centuries. - The first reports on the food of Eresus sp., citing tiger beetles and dung-beetles as principal prey items, had a somewhat similar fate, i.e. they were accepted as facts for more than half a century. - The present study, performed in Valais, Switzerland, shows E. cinnaberinus to have a much broader prey spectrum: Beetles, half of them carabids, constitued 42%, ants 36%, other insects 17%; 3% were made up by arthropods other than insects. No tiger beetles or dung-beetles were found. - It can be concluded that even numerous repetitions in textbooks may not reflect the true story.

Weberknechte (Arachnida, Opiliones) einer Waldbrandfläche im Odenwald

A survey of Harvestmen (Arachnida, Opiliones) in a burned pine forest in Southwest Germany


In 1995 a fire in a pine forest in the Odenwald (Baden-Württemberg) in South-West Germany burned for about one day. In the subsequent years after the fire the resettlement of the burned pine forest by harvestmen was observed. A neighbouring spruce thickening and a beech forest were chosen as reference points. As early as the third year after the fire the harvestmen communities of the burned pine forest and the other forests resembled each other very strongly. However the communities of the burned pine forest and spruce thickening were more similar than those of the burned pine forest and beech forest. The occurence of hygrophilous species on the open burned pine forest is explained by waterthawing processes and lower evaporation.

Neue Funde von Ischyropsalis hellwigi hellwigi (Panzer) (Opiliones, Ischyropsalididae) in Baden-Württemberg mit Anmerkungen zum Status des Schneckenkankers als "Naturnäheindikator"

Two new localities for the harvestman Ischyropsalis hellwigi hellwigi (Panzer) (Opiliones, Ischyropsalididae) in Baden-Württemberg (Germany) with remarks on the status of Ischyropsalis as an "natural status indicator"


For 40 years Ischyropsalis hellwigi hellwigi has been known in Baden-Württemberg. Whereas most previous records rely only on single specimens, numerous individuals were recorded during a study in three forest areas in northern Black Forest and southern Odenwald. A total of 37 specimen were caught by pitfall trapping in the natural forest "Wilder See" (an old forest without human impact), in a forest with human impact near "Hornisgrinde", which is similar in terms of exposition, temperature and structure, and in a succession area after a forest fire near Heidelberg. According to these localities, Ischyropsalis hellwigi hellwigi seems to have a broader tolerance to climatic factors than previously thought. All three localities differ widely in terms of forest type, ground vegetation, temperature and light exposure. Whether it is appropriate to conclude the relevant microhabitat conditions for this species from the characteristics of the trapping localities is discussed. The phenology of Ischyropsalis hellwigi hellwigi is described from two areas in northern Black Forest and southern Odenwald. The main period of activity at both localities was August, similar to records from Northwest Germany. From theses results it is concluded that therecently introduced term "natural stage indicator" might be inappropriate for Ischyropsalis hellwigi hellwigi. The species is not restsricted to forests with fallen wood on the surface, as long other habitat elements provide a hiding place with balances microclimate conditions. In order to clarify the distribution of Ischyropsalis hellwigi hellwigi in Germany, the authors request information about new records of this species.

Spinnen auf Kopfsalatfeldern bei Kitzingen (Unterfranken, Bayern)

Spiders at lettuce fields near Kitzingen (Lower Frankonia, Bavaria, Germany)


Spiders at lettuce fields near Kitzingen (Lower Frankonia, Bavaria, Germany)

Artenliste der Spinnen (Araneae) aus der Stadtbiotopkartierung Mainz (Deutschland)

Species lists of spiders (Araneae) collected in the urban region of Mainz (Germany)


Species lists of spiders (Araneae) collected in the urban region of Mainz (Germany)

Goertz, D.: Zur Refugialfunktion von Auwaldrelikten in der Kulturlandschaft des Mittleren Saaletals. Spinnenassoziationen als Modellgruppe zur Habitatbewertung

Goertz, D.: On the refuge function of relics of flood plain woods in the man-made landscape of the central Saale valley. Spider associations as model groups for habitat assessment


book review: Goertz, D.: On the refuge function of relics of flood plain woods in the man-made landscape of the central Saale valley. Spider associations as model groups for habitat assessment.

Haeberli, S.: Characterisation of anti-bacterial peptides from the venom of Cupiennius salei (Araneae: Ctenidae)

Haeberli, S.: Characterisation of anti-bacterial peptides from the venom of Cupiennius salei (Araneae: Ctenidae)


book review: Haeberli, S.: Characterisation of anti-bacterial peptides from the venom of Cupiennius salei (Araneae: Ctenidae).

Korrekte Zitierweise des neuesten Katalogs von Platnick


correct citing of the recent catalogue by Platnick

Nachtrag zur Kurzmitteilung von T. Blick (1998) in Arachnol. Mitt 15: 54-62

Supplement to the short note by T. Blick (1998) in Arachnol. Mitt 15: 54-62


Supplement to the short note by T. Blick (1998) in Arachnologische Mitteilungen 15: 54-62

Projektskizze: Spinnen Mitteleuropa - ein Bestimmungswerk auf Internet

Projektskizze: Spinnen Mitteleuropa - ein Bestimmungswerk auf Internet


internet, spiders of Central Europe

Arachnologische Mitteilungen 17, 1999

Arachnologische Mitteilungen 17, 1999

Cover/Contents Arachnologische Mitteilungen 17, 1999

Cover/Contents Arachnologische Mitteilungen 17, 1999

Frieder Sauer und Jörg Wunderlich: Die schönsten Spinnen nach Farbfotos erkannt

Frieder Sauer und Jörg Wunderlich: Die schönsten Spinnen nach Farbfotos erkannt


book review: Frieder Sauer und Jörg Wunderlich: Die schönsten Spinnen nach Farbfotos erkannt

Selden, P.A. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 17th European Colloquium of Arachnology. Edinburgh 1997

Selden, P.A. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 17th European Colloquium of Arachnology. Edinburgh 1997


book review: Selden, P.A. (Hrsg.): Porceedings of the 17th European Colloquium of Arachnology. Edinburgh 1997


In eigener Sache

In eigener Sache

