Vergleich der Webspinnen (Araneae) und Weberknechte (Opiliones) in 6 Buchen- und Fichtenbeständen Bayerns
Comparison of spiders (Araneae) and harvestmen (Opiliones) of 6 spruce and beech stands in Bavaria
Araneae, Opiliones, spruce beech
Species richness of spiders of the floor surface and the lower trunk area is higher in beech stands than in spruce forests. The abundances of epigeic spiders are also higher in beech stands whereas trunk spiders are more active on spruce. Harvestmen generally seem to prefer spruce forests, but more species were found on beech trunks than on spruce. Beech stands are partly preferred by other species than spruce forests.
Das Weibchen von Erigonoplus justus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1875) (Araneae: Linyphiidae)
The female of Erigonoplus justus (O. P.-Cambridge, 1875) (Araneae: Linyphiidae)
taxonomy, redescription
The rare erigonine Erigonoplus justus was recently discovered at a xerothermic site in Rheinland-Pfalz. Its female is described for the first time. The species is new for Germany. Habitat preference, phenology and distribution area of E. justus are briefly discussed.
Neue und wenig bekannte Afterskorpion-Arten aus der Tschechischen Republik
New and little known species of the Pseudoscorpions from the Czech Republic
Mundochthonius styriacus, Microbisium suecicum, Roncus lubricus, Syarinus strandi, Apocheiridium ferum, Anthrenochernes stellae, Chernes vicinus
New and little known species of the Pseudoscorpions from the Czech Republic
Orchestina pavesii (Simon, 1873), an oonopid spider new to Slovakia (Araneae: Oonopidae)
Orchestina pabesii (Simon, 1873), an oonopid spider new to Slovakia (Araneae: Oonopidae)
Taxonomy, Araneae, Oonopidae, Slovakia
Orchestina pavesii (Simon, 1873) was recently discovered in Slovakia. Description of a male is presented.
Erster Nachweis der Gattung Wubanoides Eskov, 1986 in Deutschland (Araneae: Linyphiidae)
First record of the genus Wubanoides Eskov, 1986 in Germany (Araneae: Linyphiidae)
Araneae, Linyphiidae, Wubanoides, block fields, Harz mountains, glacial relicts
In 1998-99, spiders of the mainly Siberian genus Wubanoides Eskov, 1986 were found in a block field in the Harz mountains, Lower Saxony, Germany. They resemble W. uralensis (Pakhorukov, 1981), but appear taxonomically distinct when compared with paratypes of this species. Up to the clarification of their taxonomic status, they are announced here as W. uralensis. Short notes are given on biology and ecology, the questionable status of the species as a "glacial relict" is discussed.
Vereinigung umweltwissenschaftlicher Berufsverbände Deutschlands - VUBD (Hrsg.): Handbuch landschaftsökologischer Leistungen - Empfehlungen zur aufwandsbezogenen Honorarermittlung
Vereinigung umweltwissenschaftlicher Berufsverbände Deutschlands - VUBD (Hrsg.): Handbuch landschaftsökologischer Leistungen - Empfehlungen zur aufwandsbezogenen Honorarermittlung
book review
book review: Vereinigung umweltwissenschaftlicher Berufsverbände Deutschlands - VUBD (Hrsg.): Handbuch landschaftsökologischer Leistungen - Empfehlungen zur aufwandsbezogenen Honorarermittlung
R. Nitzsche: Das Brautgeschenk der Spinne Pisaura mirabilis (Clerck, 1757) (Pisauridae)
R. Nitzsche: Das Brautgeschenk der Spinne Pisaura mirabilis (Clerck, 1757) (Pisauridae)
book review
book review: R. Nitzsche: Das Brautgeschenk der Spinne Pisaura mirabilis (Clerck, 1757) (Pisauridae)
Atmung über Plastron bei einer Geißelspinne nach: Hebets & Chapman (2000) - J. Insect Physiol. 46: 13-19
Atmung über Plastron bei einer Geißelspinne nach: Hebets & Chapman (2000) - J. Insect Physiol. 46: 13-19
book review
book review: Atmung über Plastron bei einer Geißelspinne nach: Hebets & Chapman (2000) - J. Insect Physiol. 46: 13-19
Verbreitung und ökologische Charakterisierung der Kugelspinne Theridion hemerobium Simon, 1914 (Araneae: Theridiidae) in Europa
Distribution and ecological characterization of Theridion hemerobium Simon, 1914 (Araneae: Theridiidae) in Europe
Distribution and ecological characterization of Theridion hemerobium Simon, 1914 (Araneae: Theridiidae) in Europe
Beobachtungen zur Stabilimentvariabilität bei adulten Weibchen der Wespenspinne (Argiope bruennichi) im Kreis Siegen-Wittgenstein (NRW)
Stabilimentum variability in the webs of adult female Argiope bruennichi
Germany, spider
Stabilimentum variability in the webs of adult female Argiope bruennichi
Epigeic spiders of the pastures of northern Wielkopolska
Epigeic spiders of the pastures of northern Wielkopolska
epigeic spiders, pasture, community and species ecology, Poland
The fauna of epigeic spiders (Araneae) occurring on three different types of pastures in northern Wielkopolska was analysed. Studies were conducted from May 1992 to October 1993. The 18,995 specimens collected were classified as belonging to 137 species and 17 families. The family Linyphiidae proved the richest in species while Lycosidae was the most abundantly in terms of number of specimens. Zoocenological analysis of spider communities showed their differentiation testifying to differences in the sites studied. The dominants were: 1) Osowo Stare (Site 1): Pardosa palustris, 2) Sycyn Dolny (Site 2): Xerolycosa miniata, P. palustris, Xysticus kochi, 3) Braczewo (Site 3): Erigone dentipalpis, P. palustris. Seasonal changes of dominance of the species at each site were established. A comparison of changes of the species’ dominances in the years 1992 and 1993 disclosed similar values of the individual dominance coefficient at the sites in Osowo Stare and Braczewo. This result indicates the occurrence of the process of stabilization of these biocenoses and a tendency to equilibrium in the environment. The least stable proved to be the site at Sycyn Dolny. Analysis of the seasonal dynamics of epigeic spider communities was also made by determining the mean number of species at each site in the two years of study. The highest number of species was noted in spring. It is interesting to note the appearance of species which are rare or very rare in Poland such as: Lepthyphantes insignis, Ostearius melanopygius, Enoplognatha mordax and Enoplognatha oelandica.
Die epigäische Spinnenfauna (Araneae) anthropogener Kleinflächen im Universitätsgebiet der Philipps-Universität auf den Lahnbergen bei Marburg
Epigaeic spiders (Araneae) of small man-made habitats on the Lahnberge Campus of the Philipps-University Marburg (Hesse, Germany)
Araneae, spider, traffic island, gravel roof, courtyard, man-made habitat, urban ecology, Hesse, Germany
During May and June 1994, 45 pitfall traps were exposed in three types of small, urban habitats: traffic islands, flat gravel roofs and courtyards ranging from 65 to 1.800m2. The three habitat types differ in their exposure to sun and wind creating microclimatic conditions similar to a variety of natural habitats, i.e. grassland, rocky outcrops and forests. In total, 2.163 spiders (147 juveniles) were caught, belonging to 61 species in 16 families. A cluster analysis showed distinctively different spider assemblages for the three habitat types. Traffic islands are inhabited by a typical openland community. Dominating species are Alopecosa pulverulenta, Pardosa pullata and Pachygnatha degeeri. Gravel roofs show high numbers of salticids, in particular Euophrys lanigera. Courtyards lack dominant species and show a high number of species naturally occurring in forest habitats. The activity density on the gravel roofs and in the courtyards does not appear to be high enough to support stable populations.