Web damage during prey capture in Hyptiotes paradoxus (C.L. Koch 1834) (Uloboridae)
Web damage during prey capture in Hyptiotes paradoxus (C.L. Koch 1834) (Uloboridae)
Araneae; triangle spider; prey capture; meme
H. paradoxus - well known for its characteristic triangular web - has frequently been described to always completely collapse its web when catching prey. The aim of the present article is to show that this is not the case, and to discuss how the myth of the obligate complete collapse of the web has arisen and why it survived so well.
Feuchtigkeits- und Belichtungspräferenzen bei Spinnen – ein Vergleich von zwei Klassifizierungssystemen
Moisture and light preferences of spiders – a comparison of two classification systems
Araneae; ecological groups; moisture; light
Two classification systems (Martin 1991 and Maurer & Hänggi 1990) designed to describe spider preferences for certain moisture and light conditions are compared. Martin’s (1991) method tends to indicate (strong) preference. This is probably attributable to specific properties of Martin’s index.
Spinnen (Arachnida: Araneae) von Weinbergen und Weinbergsbrachen am Mittelrhein (Rheinland-Pfalz: Boppard, Oberwesel)
Spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from vineyards and vineyard fallows along the Middle-Rhine area (Germany: Rheinland-Pfalz: Boppard, Oberwesel)
Araneae vineyards; Mittelrhein; Germany; faunistics
56 spider species have been recorded in a 4-hours-fieldtrip. Twelve of them are endangered according to the red data book for spiders in Germany. Some interesting species are mentioned with comments on their habitat preference and distribution limits. Figures of two species (Theridion nigrovariegatum, Dipoena erythropus) are given because of variation in their genitalia.
Zwei für Deutschland neue Spinnenarten (Araneae): Enoplognatha serratosignata (L. Koch) (Theridiidae) und Cheiracanthium gratum Kulczynski (Clubionidae)
Enoplognatha serratosignata (L. Koch 1879) (Theridiidae) and Cheiracanthium gratum Kulczynski 1897 (Clubionidae) are recorded for Germany for the first time
Araneae; dune areas; Germany; first records
C. gratum is not regarded as a synonym of C. angulitarse Simon 1876, and is revalidated. Both sexes are described, the female is described for the first time.
Selten nachgewiesene Spinnenarten aus Deutschland (Arachnida: Araneae)
Rarely collected spider species from Germany (Arachnida: Araneae)
faunistics; Germany; Araneae
Some interesting records collected from 1990 to 1999 are reported. First records of Holocnemus pluchei for Rheinland-Pfalz and Baden-Württemberg and of Uloborus plumipes for Hessen and Schleswig-Holstein are listed. The occurrence of Heteropoda venatoria in Germany is confirmed by recent records in warmhouses in Berlin. Pardosa saturatior is collected from the Bavarian part of the Alps (National Park Berchtesgaden). Information on biology and taxonomy of Pardosa saturatior, Holocnemus pluchei and Heteropoda venatoria are given.
Zur Frage strukturbezogener und phänologischer Anpassungen epigäischer Spinnen (Araneae) auf Kalkmagerrasen im Raum Marsberg
Structural and phenological adjustments of epigeic spiders (Araneae) to limestone grasslands in the area of Marsberg
book review
book review: Structural and phenological adjustments of epigeic spiders (Araneae) to limestone grasslands in the area of Marsberg.