Arachnologische Mitteilungen


Darstellungsmöglichkeit der Zugehörigkeit von Spinnenzönosen zu Pflanzenformationen. Mit einem Beispiel aus der Auenlandschaft im Nationalpark "Unteres Odertal"

Different ways to describe the affiliation of spider communities to defined plant associations


Two different approaches of transferring research-data into diagrams are explained. Using an example from foodplain stands of the river Oder (National Park 'Lower Oder Valley'), the possible implications on and differences in the interpretation of the results, depending on the chosen method, are discussed.

Untersuchungen zur Spinnenzönose (Araneae) der Stamm- und Kronenregion von Eichen unterschiedlich genutzter Waldstandorte unter Verwendung des Ökotypensystems nach Platen

Studies on the spider coenosis (Araneae) of the trunk and canopy region of oaks in differently managed forest areas with reference to the Platen ecotype system


In 1995 the spider coenosis of two differently managed forest areas with Querco-Carpinetum communities were investigated near Bonn. In order to collect the canopy and trunk fauna two trunk-photo-eclectors and six bough-photo-eclectors were used in each study site. According to the PLATEN ecotype sysem, 16 different ecotypes of spiders were found. The highest abundances of both species and individuals were recorded for excusively arboricolous and for bark inhabiting spiders. Against the expectations a high number of non-arboricolous species and many xerophilous woodland inhabiting spiders were found. According to the PLATEN ecotype system, the latter are actually typical for mixed pine forests. The PLATEN ecotype system showed clear differences between the strata, but not between the study areas.

Ermittlung charakteristischer Spinnengemeinschaften von Biotoptypen am Beispiel der nordwestdeutschen Küstenregion

Investigation of characteristic spider communities of biotope types taking the northwest German coastal area as an example


A classification method for ascertaining characteristical spider communities of different biotope types is presented. Based on a current list of biotope types all data available from a certain area about the spatial distribution of spiders were fed into a data bank an analysed. A largely standardized method has been developed which allows to classify the spider community of each biotope type. The classification is based on a presence/absence matrix and a comparison between the grades of presence in different biotope types.

Spinnenfänge aus Magerwiesen der Kantone Genf und Waadt (Schweiz) – Unkommentierte Artenlisten

Spiders of dry, unfertilized grasslands in the Cantons of Geneva and Vaud (Switzerland) – species lists


Spiders of dry, unfertilized grasslands in the Cantons of Geneva and Vaud (Switzerland) – species lists

First record of Aulonia kratochvili (Araneae, Lycosidae) from Europe

First record of Aulonia kratochvili (Araneae, Lycosidae) from Europe


First record of Aulonia kratochvili (Araneae, Lycosidae) from Europe

Beobachtungen zu Troxochrus nasutus (Araneae: Linyphiidae)

Observations on Troxochrus nasutus (Araneae: Linyphiidae)


Observations on Troxochrus nasutus (Araneae: Linyphiidae)

Changes in epigeic spider community in primary succession on a brown-coal dump

Changes in epigeic spider community in primary succession on a brown-coal dump


A descriptive model of primary succession of spiders on a brown-coal dump is presented. Multivariate methods (cluster analysis and detrended correspondence analysis), and community indexes were applied to evaluate changes in community composition of epigeic spiders. Two different rehabilitation age stages were investigated. The cluster analysis helped to determine a case of horizontal asynchronous succession. The DCA was able to distinguish divergent trends of succession from the initial stage. Successional trends in species replacements were observed. In all aspects of succession there was found to be directional towards a "ruderal steppe" subclimax.

Cover/Contents Arachnologische Mitteilungen 14, 1997

Cover/Contents Arachnologische Mitteilungen 14, 1997

Arachnologische Mitteilungen 14, 1997

Arachnologische Mitteilungen 14, 1997




acknowledgement [concerning help for: Noordam AP (ed.): Roberts MJ 1998 Spinnengids. Tirion Natuur Baarn, Netherlands. 397 pp.]

Aufruf für Drassodes cupreus/lapidosus-Material

Request for material of Drassodes cupreus/lapidosus


Request for material of Drassodes cupreus/lapidosus

Aufruf zur Mitarbeit: Erfassung unpublizierter Nachweise von Spinnentieren (Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones) in den nördlichen Randalpen


request: registration of unpublished arachnid data (Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones) in the northern Alps, Germany

In memoriam Ernst Kullmann, 1931 – 1996

In memoriam Ernst Kullmann, 1931 – 1996


obituary, bibliography, Ernst Kullmann

Die epigäische Spinnenzönose (Araneae) auf Schotterbänken der Mittelgebirgsbäche und -flüsse im Rheinischen Schiefergebirge

Spider community (Araneae) of gravel bars along streams in lower mountainous areas (Rheinisches Schiefergrbirge, Northern Hesse, Germany)


The spider communities on gravel bars along streams in lower montainous areas of Northern Hess were investigated. Eight streams differently altered by human impact were studied: four small streams without weirs and impoundments, two regulated small streams and two larger regulated streams. The sampling sites were located in one kilometer streches of the upper, middle and lower reach of each small stream, respectively. In addition the gravel bars in several floodplain sections of larger streams were investigated. Altogether 592 quantitative samples of spiders were made. 7027 spiders (Araneae) comprising 77 species were encountered. Only two species (Oedothorax agrestis, Pirata knorri) make up more than 70 percent of all spiders captured. Erigone atra and Erigone dentipalpis were frequently foung along all streams investigated. While Diplocephalus permixtus and Diplocephalus protuberans were only encountered along the small streams, Oedothorax retusus and Pardosa amentata were predominantly recorded on gravelbars of large streams. Diplocephalus protuberans was recorded for the first time in Hesse. The mean abundances (median) ranged between 4 and 28 individuals/m2. 198 individuals/m2 have been the maximum of abundance.

Ein weiterer Nachweis von Porrhomma myops für Deutschland (Araneae: Linyphiidae)

Another record of Porrhomma myops in Germany (Araneae: Linyphiidae)

Neufunde von Zelotes mundus (Kulczynski, 1897) mit Beschreibung des Weibchens

New records of Zelotes mundus (Kulczynski, 1897) with description of the female

Eine bemerkenswerte Beobachtung zur physikalischen Netz-Eigenschaft der Gattung Eresus Walckenaer 1805 (Araneae: Eresidae), gewonnen bei einem Versuch zur Protein-Sequenzierung von Spinnenseide.

A remarkable observation of physical quality of the webs from the genus Eresus Walckenaer, 1805 (Araneae: Eresidae)

Tetragnatha shoshone auch in Thüringen

Tetragnatha shoshone also recorded in Thuringia

On the biology of Dipoena torva (Araneae: Theridiidae)

Zur Biology von Dipoena torva (Araneae: Theridiidae)


Data are given concerning stratification, phenology, feeding and mating behaviour of the theridiid spider Dipoena torva (THORELL, 1875). The species was found predominantly at heights of around 10 metres on the stems of oaks and pines in Berlin, Germany. The sex ratio was more or less 1:1. Adult spiders were active during summer whereas juveniles were onliy found before and after the main activity period of adults. This species seems to be active during the daytime. The main food consists of ants. The mating behaviour is described. The occurence of D. torva is a result of certain biotic and abiotic factors such as the abundance of ants, the understorey and structural factors.

Cover/Contents Arachnologische Mitteilungen 13, 1997

Cover/Contents Arachnologische Mitteilungen 13, 1997