Webseiten Asian Arachnology

We are so happy to announce that our new website on Asian Society of Arachnology is updated, with tremendous work of our new webmasters Nicky Bay and Joseph Koh.

We hope our website can open a new door of opportunity to make a pivotal difference in growing the impact and standing of Asian Society or Arachnology, to be interactive between the research and education of Arachnology.

We need your support to turn this website into a vibrant virtual marketplace for ideas and information, and an effervescent classroom to raise the enthusiasm and collective standards in arachnological studies in Asia.

We welcome your criticisms, encouragement, and suggestions as we update and upgrade this website.

With warmest regards,

Zhisheng Zhang, President of Asian Society of Arachnology

On behalf of the council of Asian Society of Arachnology