Zwei für Deutschland neue Spinnenarten (Araneae): Enoplognatha serratosignata (L. Koch) (Theridiidae) und Cheiracanthium gratum Kulczynski (Clubionidae)

Zwei für Deutschland neue Spinnenarten (Araneae): Enoplognatha serratosignata (L. Koch) (Theridiidae) und Cheiracanthium gratum Kulczynski (Clubionidae)

Enoplognatha serratosignata (L. Koch 1879) (Theridiidae) and Cheiracanthium gratum Kulczynski 1897 (Clubionidae) are recorded for Germany for the first time


C. gratum is not regarded as a synonym of C. angulitarse Simon 1876, and is revalidated. Both sexes are described, the female is described for the first time.